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Results for "keyword: "adventure""
Birthday of Nikos Kazantzakis Birthday of Nikos Kazantzakis, Writer and Spiritual Seeker
God as a Public Park Divine multiplicity as a welcoming space.
Setting Your Intention to Travel An opportunity to open up to what you need from your journey.
Visit a New Place Explore a nearby town you've never been to before.
Birthday of Amelia Earhart Honoring Amelia Earhart, the heroic aviator, on her birthday.
Birthday of Leonard Cohen Celebrate Leonard Cohen's birthday with two documentaries on him and a book by him.
Easter Surprises A suggestion for celebrating Easter through surprises.
Anniversary of Sally Ride's Becoming the First American Woman in Space (PDP) Celebrating the accomplishments of the acclaimed astronaut, astrophysicist, and advocate of science education.
Send-Off A ritual for someone who is going off to college.
Reframing Regrets Practices and suggestions to transform regret into a positive spiritual tool.